

Students who complete their program at the end of Fall 2021 (February 2022 graduates) or Winter 2022 (May/June 2022 graduates) cross the stage at the Spring 2022 Convocation ceremonies to obtain their degrees. The Spring 2022 Convocation ceremonies will take place starting on Thursday, May 26 and ending on Friday, June 3, 2022. The ceremonies will be held in the Convocation Tent on the McGill downtown campus, except for the ceremonies for graduates of the Faculty of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, which will take place at Centennial Ballroom, Macdonald Campus.

For more info on ceremonies see

Share your Convocation moments with the rest of the McGill community, your family and friends by using #McGillGrad and tagging @McGillU on your social posts.

Partagez vos souvenirs de collation des grades avec la communauté en utilisant #McGillGrad et en identifiant @McGillU.

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