When children see war as better than peace

For most people, the end of a war offers relief, hope, and an end to violence. This may not be the case for children born of wartime rape, however, who often endure continued brutality in the post-war period.

Mieux-être planétaire

Par Chris Atack Rapprochant disciplines et nations, le Programme de santé mondiale vise à établir des normes de santé communes pour tous, partout. Dans bien des domaines (politique, monnaie, langue, culture), les frontières sont bien plus que d’hypothétiques lignes de démarcation. Mais lorsqu’il s’agit de virus, la frontière entre deux…

Worldwide Wellness

Story by Chris Atack Illustrations by Matt Forsythe Bridging disciplines and spanning nations, the McGill Global Health Programs are working toward a common health standard for everyone, everywhere. When it comes to many things—politics, currency, language, culture—borders can be much more than hypothetical demarcations. But as far as something like…